Microsoft Azure Blockchain Framework


Blockchain is the stong trend hashtag, it is a revolutionary technology and all big companies are developing own technologies.

After IBM, with bluemix, now is the moment of Microsoft Azure Blockchain Workbench!


According to the chapter title, Azure Blockchain Workbench is a framework to develop a private Distributed Ledger. It help you to develop a blockchain application using it together other Azure components.

Naturally, Azure Blockchain Workbench, can be deployed using an specific template in the Azure Marketplace. The template include some functionalities like

  • blockchain stack
  • type of client application
  • support for IoT integration

Blockchain Workbench Architecture

A most important point value is the identity integration using Azure Active Directory. So the structure trasform the features into a permissioned blockchain

There are other core features:
  • Client applications
  • Gateway service API
  • Message broker for incoming message
  • Message broker for downstream consumers
  • Message consumers
  • Transaction builder and signers
  • Transaction routers and ledgers
  • DLT watcher
  • Azure SQL database
  • Azure Storage
  • Monitoring tool

Reading the official architecture documentation, the framework looks complete and the blockchain is only (little) part of a more complete picture.


We are waiting the next big company project. I have 2 items into my WatchList: Cisco and AWS.

Who will come first?


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