How to install IOTA node with docker
INTRODUCTION IOTA has a official full node project named iri . It is a java open-source project ( github ) Today there are 2 versions of iri: 1.5.x STABLE with full snapshot feature 1.6.x RELEASE CANDIDATE with local snapshot feature Into this tutorial we will install STABLE version REQUIREMENTS There are two common solutions to install IOTA node: playbook docker I prefer docker installation. So you must have docker into your 64-bit system. Docker official installation guide links: Windows Linux (Ubuntu) Mac OsX After that you must install docker compose tool DOCKER-COMPOSE Docker compose is a yaml file with docker container declarations, we must use follow file named docker-compose.yml : version: "2" services: iri: image: iotaledger/iri:latest restart: unless-stopped volumes: - ./data/iri/iri.ini:/iri/conf/iri.ini:ro - ./data/iri/ixi:/iri/ixi:rw - ./data/iri/db:/iri/data:rw - /etc/localtime:/etc/...